7cb1d79195 The story revolves around Maya, the daughter of the former headmaster of a private Japanese academy dedicated to the study of the occult who died in 1999; and a time traveling agent Uchida, a mysterious young man who travels back in time from 2012. I just finished Occult. Now where's the sequel?!! It's a great show. Here are the five best things about Occult Academy;<br/><br/>1.) It's unique and there are not too many Anime's about the Occult<br/><br/>2.) Unlike most Anime's this get's better as it goes on!!!<br/><br/>3.) There is very little Ecchi, or Fanservice and despite the cartooniness it makes this Anime more mature.<br/><br/>4.) The main character Maya is really awesome.<br/><br/>5.) A criticism I heard of the show was that there are some "fluff" episodes (mostly episodes (3-6). I don't agree. Fluff to me is different than "filler". A filler is something that is just made to create space (like on a cd) so you feel like paying for 10 songs.<br/><br/>Fluff in film isn't to make something bad, for example on Buffy, or on Inu Yasha, or on The Office, Seinfeld. Not everything went together sometimes each episode had a simple plot. This is just the STYLE of show and yes it makes more money in the long run but I would rather a show stick around a little longer if it is good. <br/><br/>The only thing I didn't like about this was the slight cartooniness of the monsters etc! When I started watching this series I knew nothing about it; I was just looked for a short (thirteen episode) anime to watch on Crunchyroll. I hadn't watch it for long when I realised I had made a good choice. The series follows Maya Kumashiro; a teenage girl who inherits her father's school when he dies. This puts her in the rather unusual position of being both a pupil and principal of the school. That is one of the least strange things about this series though; the school studies the occult and on one of her first days there a naked man drops out of the sky in front of Maya. He is Fumiaki Uchida, a time traveller who tells her that the world is due to be invaded by aliens unless they can find an item called the 'Nostradamus Key'. Maya is initially doubtful about his claims as she doesn't believe in the occult but as the series progresses various adventures lead her to change her opinion. The two of them are usually accompanied my a couple of Miya's classmates, the school's mechanic and an occult dowser. Fumiaki is frequently distracted from his search by the attractive woman who cooks at the local restaurant.<br/><br/>I'm surprised that this series isn't better known; the characters and story are interesting and the character design and backgrounds look great. The story had plenty of gripping moments, funny moments and some good twists. While the fan service is very tame compared to many series there is a seduction scene that is genuinely erotic… without being sleazy. When the penultimate episode arrived I thought we were going to get a long drawn out fight with heroes and villain shouting spells at each other; thankfully there was another good twist to be had before it ended. I would certainly recommend this series to anime fans and if it ever gets a DVD release here I'd seriously consider buying it.<br/><br/>These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.
Liaswanexin Admin replied
327 weeks ago