Liaswanexin Admin replied

348 weeks ago

Collection Of 30 Decrypted 3DS ROMs For Citra 138

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Seeds:1 Leech:6 30.25 Gb Collection of 30 decrypted 3DS ROMs for Citra Emulator

Download SEGA 3D Classics Collection Decrypted ROM, . Decrypted Roms are playable on PC with Citra 3DS Emulator . Jan 30, 2018. IronFall: Invasion .

3DS Roms Collection For Citra Emulator What is Citra? Citra is a work-in-progress Nintendo 3DS emulator started in early 2014. Cit.

Collection de 2403 rom 3DS dcrypte pour CITRA. Liste des jeux : ROMs1101-12003DS1178 - Devil Survivor 2 - Break Record (Japan) Decrypted.3ds 3.47 GB

This tutorial will try to help you extract a 3DSCIACXI file to change its content, and will also explain how to rebuild your game once edited.

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last edited 248 weeks ago by Liaswanexin
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